Frequently Asked Questions

We are happy to answer any questions you might have about our services at Rand & Asquith. Below are a few queries which we regularly get asked and can answer for you. If you don’t see anything related to what you need to know, please do not hesitate to contact us directly on 01484 719263 or email

How much will the yorkshire stone weigh?

Lower Edge yorkshire sandstone weighs 2500kg/m3

What colour is the yorkstone?

Buff to buff/grey – Please see our gallery for photos showing the range of colours within our yorkshire stone.
*please note all photos are representative and will vary due to the nature of natural yorkstone.

What is your current lead time?

The lead times are variable but an estimate will be given on enquiry.

Where to you deliver to?

Nationwide delivery. Exports can be arranged.

What is the maximum size you can cut yorkstone to?

Yorkshire Stone Paving – 2.5 x 1.5m
Yorkshire Stone Heads/cills etc – up to 3.4m lengths

Do you sell to the general public?

We sell to anyone who has a yorkshire stone requirement, be their order large or small – from individuals to large corporations.

Can you provide samples?

Yes. For a small fee we can post samples to your door.